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Barely breathing...

Y'all. When I tell you I am wiped, I mean like a wet mop across a dirty basketball court. The last few weeks have been obscenely busy and a teeny bit stressful. And by teeny bit I mean an eighteen wheeler size. Trust Bound is finished and ready to go to ARC's , and it feels like this day would never come. This book has literally taken blood, sweat and tears. From writer's block, to almost canceling the series, to putting lighting a match under my bum in order to have it out in time, I feel like I could sleep for thirty years. And probably still wake up tired.

I told myself now that Trust Bound is complete, I'm going to take a breather and just sit back for a bit. HA! What a joke. I have taken on even more and in my mind I'm like "yeah! Do it. It's exposure." But in reality my hands want to throttle see for signing up for more. It'll all be worth it. That's what I keep telling myself.

But one new development that I am ridiculously excited for is I am a confirmed author for Ravens Spicy Reads book signing in Scottsdale, AZ this September. I'm freaking out over being chosen to attend, along with impatiently waiting to be able to hug my girls IRL (Cami, Gabby, Tammie, & AD), and I'm totally fangirling over the fact that SARA CATE will be in attendance. Holy cow! I think I may be more excited to meet her than the signing itself. Be on the lookout for preorders for special edition covers that will be exclusive for the signing.

QOTD: What is your top author that you'd love to meet?

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